Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ponsel Vivaz akan Dampingi Xperia X10
Dua ponsel berlayar lebar yang akan ditujukan untuk kelas perangkat hiburan akan disediakan Sony Ericsson sekaligus awal tahun ini. Masing-masing Xperia X10, ponsel berbasis Android buatan Google dan akan didampingi Vivaz, ponsel berplatform Symbian yang mendukung video HD (high definition) 720p.
Xperia X10 sudah diumumkan Sony Ericsson sejak November 2009 lalu, namun sampai sekarang belum tersedia di pasaran. Kabarnya pada awal Februari 2010 ini, X10 akan mulai beredar di berbagai negara.
Sementara Vivaz merupakan ponsel terbaru kedua dalam keluarga ponsel komunikasi hiburan yang akan dipasarkan pada pertengahan semester pertama tahun 2010. Dengan Sony Ericsson Vivaz komunikasi benar-benar menjadi sebuah hiburan dengan video HD yang berkualitas tinggi yang memungkinkan konsumen untuk memproduksi dan menyiarkan pengalaman terbaik mereka dengan video capture terbaru dan fitur berbagi.
Tidak hanya merekam video dengan format kualitas tinggi. Hasil rekaman tersebut pun bisa langsung dinikmati melalui layar 3,2 incinya. Bahkan, video bisa langsung dibagi di internet melalui YouTube melalui jaringan 3,5 G maupun WiFi.
Platform yang terbuka juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk mempersonalisasikan pengalaman hiburan mereka dengan men-download aplikasi melalui PlayNow dan Symbian Developer Community.
"Dengan Sony Ericsson Vivaz, kami telah menciptakan ponsel yang bisa menangkap momen-momen secara spontan dalam video berkualitas tinggi dan upload ekpresi tersebut ke web untuk berbagi dengan dunia," ujar Djunadi Satrio, Head of Marketing Sony Ericsson, dalam rilisnya.
Ia mengatakan Sony Ericsson Vivaz memiliki fitur dengan filosofi desain baru yaitu 'kelengkungan manusia', yang untuk pertama kalinya sudah diperkenalkan oleh Xperia X10. Desain seperti ini yang akan menjadi fitur yang konsisten dari portofolio Sony Ericsson ke depan.
Warnanya pun disesuaiakn dengan target pasar hiburan. Vivaz akan tersedia di Indonesia dari kuartal pertama 2010 dalam pilihan warna perak, hitam, biru, merah. Soal harga, tunggu saatnya.
Berikut spesifikasi utama Sony Ericsson Vivaz:
- Sistem operasi Symbian S60 5th edition
- Prosessor 720MHz
- Kamera 8,1 megapiksel dengan face and smile detection
- Mendukung jaringan 3,5 G melalui UMTS HSPA
- Wi-Fi
- Jejaring sosial - aplikasi Facebook dan Twitter
- Location-based services A-GPS
- Layar Layar sentuh 16.9 nHD, 16 juta warna, 3.2 inci, 640 x 360 pixels nHD
- Memori internal 75 MB dan kartu memori 8 GB microSD
- Ukuran 107 x 52 x 12.5 mm
- Berat 97 gram
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
iPad: Tablet Buatan Apple Resmi Diluncurkan
khirnya Apple mengumumkan perangkat tablet buatannya, Rabu (27/1/2010) atau Kamis dini hari WIB di San Francisco, AS. CEO Apple Steve Jobs yang tampil di panggung menahbiskan nama iPad untuk perangkat tersebut.
Penggunaan nama iPad sudah diduga sebelumnya di antara sejumlah nama yang menjadi sebatas rumor sejak beberapa bulan terakhir. Beberapa hari sebelum peluncuran ini, Apple meminta hak cipta iPad yang kini dipegang Fujitsu untuk salah satu perangkat jinjingnya.
Sambil menenteng iPad, Steve Jobs mengatakan, perangkat itu menggunakan layar IPS 9,7 inci, tebal 0,5 inci, dan berat 1,5 pound. Prosesornya buatan sendiri Apple A4 1 GHz. Daya baterainya mencapai 10 jam untuk penggunaan aktif dan sebulan untuk standby. Sekilas tampilannya mirip iPhone dengan ukuran besar. Fungsinya pun tak kalah dengan notebook untuk bekerja, mengakses multimedia, dan berselancar di web.
Apple menyediakan dua varian iPad, masing-masing yang hanya dilengkapi WiFi dan yang dilengkapi WiFi sekaligus koneksi 3G GSM. Harganya mulai 499 dollar AS untuk memori 16 GB dan WiFi hingga 829 dollar AS untuk 64 GB serta WiFi dan 3G.
Di dalamnya terdapat iTunes sehingga penggunanya dapat secara langsung mengunduh aplikasi, musik, dan video. Juga didukung aplikasi iWorks yang sudah dimodifikasi sehingga tetap bekerja optimal di perangkat dengan spesifikasi hardware yang jauh dari Mac.
Namun, inovasi baru yang disediakan dalam iPad adalah adanya aplikasi iBook untuk membaca e-book dan mengunduh e-book langsung dari internet. Apple juga mengumumkan iBook Store, layanan baru serupa iTunes yang khusus untuk jual beli e-book.
Untuk sementara, iPad baru tersedia di AS, tetapi akan mulai didistribusikan ke seluruh dunia dalam 2-3 bulan ke depan. iPad dijual tanpa kerja sama eksklusif dengan operator, termasuk versi 3G dengan kartu SIM yang unlocked. Khusus pasar AS, AT&T menawarkan paket data dengan harga istimewa khusus iPad. (Kompas/Ketok)
Google Chrome Versi 4 Dengan 1500 Fitur baru
Web browser milik Google, Chrome, baru saja diperbarui versinya. Google menyebutkan, ada lebih dari 1.500 fitur baru di versi 4.0 tersebut.
Ke-1.500 fitur baru yang disebutkan Google itu sebenarnya adalah extension file yang dibuat oleh para pengembang untuk menambahkan fungsionalitas ke Chrome. Kalau di Firefox, extension semacam ini berjumlah sangat banyak dan tidak pernah dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang menonjol di versi baru browser tersebut.
Kendati bermanfaat, extension sebenarnya memang tidak terlalu istimewa. Di antara yang paling berguna mungkin adalah sinkronisasi bookmark. Fitur ini memungkinkan Anda berbagi bookmark di antara lebih dari satu komputer tanpa perlu membuat ulang semua bookmark atau menyalinnya dari satu sistem ke sistem lain.
Google juga menyebutkan, kinerja browser Chrome 4.0 ini jauh lebih cepat. Dengan menggunakan Mozilla's Dromaeo DOM Core Tests, browser menunjukkan peningkatan kecepatan 42 persen dibandingkan rilis stabil sebelumnya dan peningkatan 400 persen dibandingkan versi pertamanya.
Satu yang perlu diingat, Chrome hanya bekerja di lingkungan Windows. Jadi, jika Anda menggunakan Apple atau Linux, maka silakan menunggunya sekitar setahun lagi. (Kompas/Ketok)
Kia Andalkan Garansi Lima Tahun Untuk Picanto
Ada yang menarik dari penawaran PT Kia Mobil Indonesia (KMI) ketika memperkenalkan New Picanto. Agen tunggal pemegang merek (ATPM) kendaraan Kia ini menawarkan garansi hingga lima tahun atau 100.000 Km.
Apa yang ditawarkan KMI tersebut sungguh berbeda, mengingat ATPM lain rata-rata hanya memberikan jaminan garansi selama tiga tahun.
"Ini bukti kepercayaan diri kami bahwa Kia itu produknya sangat berkualitas," ucap Director KMI Hartanto Sukmono, di sela acara Kia Media Gathering di Mall of Indonesia, Jakarta, Rabu (27/1/2010).
Dia menyebutkan dengan adanya masa garansi yang lebih panjang tersebut maka biaya perawatan yang dikeluarkan konsumen Kia Picanto akan semakin ekonomis, karena konsumen tidak perlu lagi sering-sering melakukan servis.
"Sekali servis semuanya kita cek, jadi tidak perlu sering servis. Ini jelas menghemat waktu dan biaya dari konsumen itu sendiri," tambahnya.
Selain Kia, PT Hyundai Mobil Indonesia (HMI) juga memberikan garansi selama lima tahun untuk Hyundai H1 bensin dan diesel yang sudah mulai di rakit di Tanah Air (Completely knock down/CKD). (Okezone)
Steve Jobs: iPad Lebih Baik daripada Netbook
CEO Apple Steve Jobs menyebut iPad, produk terbaru buatan Apple, lebih baik daripada netbook. Menurut dia, iPad lebih tepat diposisikan di antara notebook dan smartphone.
"Tentu kita semua menggunakan laptop dan smartphone... pertanyaan yang muncul kemudian adalah ruang untuk sesuatu di antaranya. Kami penasaran selama bertahun-tahun untuk menciptakan kategori tersebut," ujar Steve Jobs saat peluncuran iPad, Rabu (27/1/2010) di San Francisco, AS.
Namun, ia mensyaratkan, perangkat yang bisa masuk kategori tersebut harus lebih baik dalam melakukan beberapa hal, seperti browsing web, mengelola e-mail, menikmati foto, video, dan musik, memainkan game, serta membaca e-book. Intinya, lebih baik daripada laptop dan lebih baik daripada smartphone.
"Sekarang beberapa orang berpikir bahwa itu netbook. Masalahnya, netbook tidak lebih baik dalam segala hal," ujarnya dengan tertawa renyah. "Saya pikir kita sudah mendapatkan yang lebih baik. Dan kami menyebutnya iPad," tegas Jobs.
iPad merupakan perangkat menyerupai tablet PC dengan layar sentuh 9,7 inci, tetapi tanpa keyboard fisik. Tebalnya hanya setengah inci atau sekitar 1,34 sentimeter dan berat 1,5 pound atau 0,68 kilogram. Sistem operasinya satu platform dengan iPhone dan dilengkapi iTunes untuk mengakses ribuan aplikasi, musik, dan video. Selain itu, Apple juga menambahkan aplikasi iBook untuk mengakses iBook Store, layanan serupa iTunes yang khusus menjual e-book.
Harga jualnya mulai 499 dollar AS, tergantung dari kelengkapan fitur dan kapasitas memori. Prosesor yang digunakan Apple A4 1 GHz. Tersedia dengan beberapa varian dengan kapasitas memori mulai dari 16 GB hingga 64 GB dan dengan WiFi saja atau WiFi dan 3G GSM. (Kompas)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Skutik Retro Siap Masuk Pasar Motor Indonesia
Permintaan akan skuter otomatik (skutik) di pasar motor nasional terus menguat setiap tahun. Buktinya, tahun lalu pangsa pasarnya mencapai sekitar 37 persen, sehingga seluruh ATPM motor nasional memperkuat produknya. Bahkan beberapa di antara membuka segmen baru bergenre retro.
Disebut skutik retro, karena desainnya kembali ke era 1960-1970-an. Dari informasi yang berasil dikumpulkan, tiga ATPM motor di Indonesia (Honda, Yamaha, dan Suzuki) berencana memasukkan produk baru Scoopy, Vino, dan Jelato tahun ini.
"Kami memang berencana memasukkan Vino di 2009, tapi hasil survei masih belum meyakinkan karena retro tidak cocok dengan karekteristik konsumen indonesia. Tapi tunggu saja nanti," ujar Vice President Director PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) Dyonisius Beti kepada, Senin (25/1/2010).
Vino pertama kali diperkenalkan di Thailand pada 2006 lalu mengusung mesin dan platform yang sama dengan Mio. Di Negeri Gajah Putih tersebut, Yamaha mengubah nama produk menjadi Fino.
Langkah Yamaha membuat merek lain, prinsipal Jepang lainnya ikut bermain. Honda menyodorkan Scoopy, sedang Suzuki menampilkan Jelato yang sempat dipamerkan dalam ajang Bangkok Auto Show 2009 lalu. Platform Scoopy mirip dengan produk skutik Honda yang beredar di Indonesia BeAT, sementara Jelato sama dengan Spin hanya dengan variasi mesin yang berbeda.
Sumber dari PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) yang tak mau disebutkan namanya menjelaskan, segmen skutik menjadi salah satu yang terbesar tahun ini. Selain itu, rencana kompetitor berlambang garputala meluncurkan produk skutik retro membuat merek berlambang sayap mengepak sudah juga mempersiapkan diri.
"Tetangga akan meluncurkan Vino, kita duluin nanti dengan Scoopy. Kapannya belum bisa diinformasikan, yang pasti akan jadi segmen motor baru di Indonesia sekaligus memperkuat pasar skutik di level nasional," ujar sumber tersebut.
Nah, sekarang kalau ketiga produk tersebut jadi dilepas tahun ini, maka tinggal strategi marketing yang menentukan. Pertanyaannya, apa Anda tertarik kalau Skutik Retro dipasarkan di Indonesia ? (Kompas)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fujitsu Luncurkan Notebook Terbaru
Perusahaan teknologi terkemuka Jepang, Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific, kembali luncurkan beberapa seri produk notebook terbarunya di tahun 2010 ini. Di samping muncul dengan tampilan yang lebih menarik dan elegan, produk-produk notebook Fujitsu kali ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur yang beragam dan semakin canggih.
Beberapa diantara produk keluaran terbaru Fujitsu itu antara lain, Fujitsu Lifebook SH760, Lifebook SH560, dan Fujitsu Lifebook UH 900. Ketiga Lifebook tersebut tampil dengan bentuk lebih mini dari produk-produk Fujitsu sebelumnya, juga diproduksi dengan beragam warna showcasing. Lifebook-lifebook tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai keunggulan-keunggulan baru dibandingkan produk-produk sebelumnya.
Fujitsu Lifebook SH760 misalnya tampil dengan desain dan warna showcasing unik dan menarik. Dengan bentuk yang terbilang mini dan berat yang hanya 1,5 kg, Lifebook ini dilengkapi dengan keycap keyboard terbaru dan USB charging multifungsi, yang dapat dikoneksikan dengan ipod, Smart phones dan MP3 players. Lifebook ini juga memiliki aplikasi webcam canggih yang bisa berfungsi juga sebagai video dan dapat ditansmisikan langsung ke LCD TV.
Sementara itu, Lifebook SH560, dengan ukurannya yang mini, hanya 13,3 inci memiliki kekuatan menyerap dan memproses data 10 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan CPU dalam komputer kebanyakan. Ada juga Lifebook UH900 dengan ukuran 5,6 inci. Dengan berat yang hanya 500 gram dan bentuk seperti sebuah dompet panjang, Lifebook ini mudah digunakan dan dibawa mobilisasi oleh para penggunanya.
Tak hanya dilengkapi dengan keunggulan fisik dan aplikasi, lifebok-lifebook tersebut juga telah lolos beberapa tahap pengujian standard kualitas internasional, antara lain free falltest, display pressuretest, display shock test, dan durability test.
Produk-produk terbaru Fujitsu ini rencananya akan dipasarkan ke beberapa negara di Asia Pasifik. Sebelum masuk ke Indonesia pada 2010 ini, produk-produk Fujitsu tersebut telah dipasarkan ke beberapa negara seperti Jepang, Korea, dan Malaysia. Di negara-negara tersebut pun produk-produk ini terbukti sukses menarik perhatian pasar. (Kompas)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Natalie Glebova
Glebova was born in Tuapse, Russia. She is a classical pianist and also has won various regional gymnastic championships. Prior to competing at Miss Universe, Glebova worked as a model and received her Bachelor of Commerce in Information Technology Management and Marketing at Ryerson University in Toronto. She has also worked as a motivational speaker for grade school and high school students.
Glebova currently resides in Thailand and is married to Paradorn Srichaphan. The couple, who met during the 2006 Thailand Open, became engaged in April 2007 and were married on November 29, 2007 in Bangkok, Thailand.[2].
In 2008, Glebova joined The Amazing Race Asia 3 and she partnered with Pailin Rungratanasunthorn. They represented Thailand and came in 8th place.[3]
In 2004, Glebova attempted to win the Miss Universe Canada pageant where she placed as 3rd runner-up. The eventual winner, Venessa Fisher, failed to place in the Miss Universe 2004 finals. Glebova competed again in January 2005, and won the title.
Glebova competed in the Miss Universe 2005 pageant held in Bangkok, Thailand in June 2005, where she became the fourth Canadian in ten years to make the initial cut of semi-finalists. She competed in the evening gown and swimsuit competitions, advancing to the top five where she competed in the final interview round. The final interview round was a tough selection; the strongest delegates who managed the Top 5 were Cynthia Olavarria of Puerto Rico, Laura Elizondo of Mexico, Renata Sone of Dominican Republic, and Monica Spear of Venezuela, who were all considered to be pageant powerhouses. Throughout the contest, Natalie gave a nice traditional Thai greeting known as a "Wai" on every appearance which helped her win over Thai audiences and judges. At the conclusion of the pageant, Glebova survived the Latin onslaught and was crowned Miss Universe 2005 by outgoing titleholder Jennifer Hawkins of Australia. Glebova's win was Canada's second: Karen Dianne Baldwin of London, Ontario had won in 1982. Glebova and Baldwin graduated from the same high school, London Central Secondary School.
Year in the life of Miss Universe
As Miss Universe, Glebova represented the Miss Universe Organization. Her "sister" 2005 titleholders were Allie LaForce (Miss Teen USA, of Ohio) and Chelsea Cooley (Miss USA, of North Carolina).
As part of her year-long reign as Miss Universe, she resided in a Trump Place apartment in New York City and assumed the role of HIV/AIDS awareness advocate. She attended the G8 Summit in New York City on August 11, 2005, which reflected on ending poverty in underdeveloped regions and ending gang activity and drug cartels in Colombia. In November, Glebova attended a special Hindustani Times Leadership Summit in Delhi and was on a week long tour of several Indian cities on an AIDS Awareness Program. In December, she attended the national pageants of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic before going back to Thailand to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 2004 Tsunami tragedy.
During Glebova's official "homecoming" to her hometown of Toronto, the Miss Universe was formally offered an apology by the city's mayor David Miller after she was barred from attending a "Tastes of Thailand" festival while wearing her sash and tiara nor being introduced as a beauty titleholder. A 1990 bylaw, which prevents sexual stereotyping of women in public events, was strictly enforced and largely criticized by Miller and Miss Universe Organization president Paula Shugart. Shugart called the episode an "insult" to not only Glebova, but to the Thai government who named her an "honorary tourism ambassador". According to Shugart, this was the first time in Miss Universe's history that a titleholder was uninvited from a public event. Yahoo! News (Link dead as of January 15, 2007) (The same bylaw was once invoked to bar Barenaked Ladies from a public concert at Nathan Phillips Square.)
As well as promoting charitable causes, Glebova had the opportunity to attend many entertainment events and VIP parties in New York, and throughout the United States. She participated in numerous photo shoots with photographer Fadil Berisha.
During her reign Glebova travelled to Africa in July to attend an AIDS Educational Tour with the Global Health Council, Malaysia in late September, the Bahamas and St. Martin. In late March 2006, Natalie visited Russia for the first time since leaving the country in her pre-teens. She participated in an HIV-AIDS Awareness campaign in Moscow and attended a Russian fashion show as a special guest.. She also made numerous trips to Thailand, where she commemorated the anniversary of the Tsunami and Canada, her home nation.
She also attended the national pageants of Ukraine in mid October, Puerto Rico in November, Dominican Republic in December, Czech Republic in February, Thailand and Nicaragua in March, Brazil in April. She also crowned Alice Panikian as her Miss Universe Canada successor the night of March 21, 2006. Alice finished 6th in Miss Universe.
Glebova was supposed to travel to Indonesia to crown Miss Indonesia Universe 2006 in late July, but because of Canada's travel ban to the Southeast Asian country, Glebova was officially replaced with Puerto Rico's Cynthia Olavarria, the First Runner-Up of Miss Universe 2005. Since the Miss Indonesia pageant's revival in 2000, this was the first time in which Miss Universe was unable to attend the coronation.
On July 23, 2006, Natalie crowned Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza of Puerto Rico as her successor.
Birth name | Natalie Glebova |
Birthdate | November 11, 1981(age 28) |
Birthplace | Tuapse, Russia |
Height | 1.80 m (5 ft 11 in)[1] |
Eye color | Blue |
Hair color | Brown |
Title(s) | Miss Canada Universe 2005 Miss Universe 2005 |
Major competition(s) | Miss Universe Canada 2005 (winner) Miss Universe 2005(winner) |
Amelia Vega
Amelia Vega Polanco (born November 7, 1984 in Santo Domingo, (Dominican Republic), Dominican Republic) became the first Dominican woman to be named Miss Universe, in 2003. At the age of 18, she was the youngest winner since 1994.[1][2]
Vega's father, Otto Vega, is a general medical practitioner with offices in New York City and Miami. Her mother, Patricia Polanco Alvarez, also born in Santiago de los Caballeros, was a previous national titleholder who represented the Dominican Republic at the 1980 Miss World pageant. Vega is the niece of the Grammy Award–winning singer Juan Luis Guerra.
Miss Universe
After winning the Miss Dominican Republic Universe title, Vega represented the Dominican Republic in the Miss Universe 2003 pageant held in Panama City, Panama on June 3, 2003. She became the only titleholder from this country to win the title.[3]
Vega was crowned in Panama. She wore a white evening gown during the competition, which featured strings of beads on the sleeves.
As Miss Universe 2003, Vega traveled extensively working with internationally recognized HIV/AIDS organizations including the Global Health Council, Cable Positive, amfAR, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and God's Love We Deliver. As a celebrity spokesperson, she was responsible for working with the international media to generate a better understanding and acceptance of AIDS/HIV epidemics and its prevention while helping to increase awareness, funding and resources for these key organizations.
As Miss Universe, Vega represented the Miss Universe Organization. Her "sister" 2003 titleholders were Tami Farrell (Miss Teen USA, of Oregon) and Susie Castillo (Miss USA, of Massachusetts).
Vega is the third among Miss Universe winners who also won the National Costume competition. Thailand's Porntip Nakhirunkanok won the award in 1988 and eventually won the crown then, Wendy Fitzwilliam of Trinidad & Tobago also won the Best National Costume and went on to win the 1998 Miss Universe crown.
Vega has appeared in the cover of several magazines, from her local country's Mujer Unica and Oh! Magazine, up to internationally known Cosmopolitan, Caras, Vanidades, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, Selecta. She also has been the lead image for campaigns made by the beauty cosmetics company Cover Girl, for the past 4 years.
Vega debuted as a singer with her uncle "Juan Luis Guerra" in Madison Square Garden and American Airline's Arena. After her reign as Miss Universe came to an end, Vega worked as the host of the reality show Voces de América, that aired on the Telemundo network. She also hosted several editions of "Festival Presidente" where more than 60,000 people attended, Later she hosted "Suegras", a reality show broadcasted in "USA" and Latin America. Her film debut was in 2005, co-starring in the film The Lost City directed by Andy Garcia. She had a special in Homie Spumoni, a motion picture starring Donald Faison. and Whoopi Goldberg, among others and was scheduled and released in summer 2008.
Amelia is now concentrated on the development of her business career. Amelia owns a boutique in Miami, Florida, Named Essence by Amelia Vega and prepares to be involved on developing her career and stores. She actually lives in Miami, Florida. She cooperates to several charity foundations.
- Homie Spumoni (2006) .... Chanice (as Amelia Vega Polanco)
- The Lost City (2005) .... Minerva Eros
Birth name | Amelia Vega Polanco |
Birthdate | November 7, 1984 (age 25) |
Birthplace | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, |
Height | 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m) |
Eye color | Brown |
Hair color | Brown |
Title(s) | Miss Dominican Republic 2002 Miss Universe 2003 |
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
James Cameron
Cameron was born in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada, the son of Shirley, an artist and nurse, and Phillip Cameron, an electrical engineer.[7] He grew up in Chippawa, Ontario and attended Stamford Collegiate in Niagara Falls, and his family moved to Fullerton, California in 1971. Cameron has paternal Scottish descent through Clan Cameron.[citation needed] While studying physics and English at Fullerton College and California State University, Fullerton, Cameron used every opportunity to visit the film archive of the University of Southern California. To the surprise of many people, although Cameron had a large educational background in the natural sciences, he chose a philosophy major from Fullerton College in 1973.[5] Cameron says of his time there that he was,
"completely self taught in special effects. I'd go down to the USC library and pull any thesis that graduate students had written about optical printing, or front screen projection, or dye transfers, anything that related to film technology…if they'd let me photocopy it, I would. If not, I'd make notes."
After dropping out, he worked several jobs such as truck driving and wrote when he had time.[8] After seeing the original Star Wars film in 1977, Cameron quit his job as a truck driver to enter the film industry.[9] When Cameron read Syd Field's book Screenplay, it occurred to him that integrating science and art were possible and he wrote a ten minute science fiction script with two friends, entitled Xenogenesis. They raised money and rented a camera, lenses, the film stocks, studio and shot it in 35 mm. To understand how to operate the camera, they dismantled it and spent the first half-day of the shoot trying to figure out how to get it running.
Early career
As Cameron continued educating himself in techniques, he started as a miniature model maker at Roger Corman Studios.[8] Making fast, low-budget productions taught Cameron to work efficiently and effectively. He soon was an art director in the sci-fi movie Battle Beyond the Stars (1980). He did special effects work design and direction on John Carpenter's Escape from New York (1981), acted as production designer on Galaxy of Terror (1981), and consulted on the design of Android (1982) .
Cameron was hired as the special effects director for the sequel of Piranha, entitled Piranha II: The Spawning in 1981. However, the director left the project and Cameron was hired by Italian producer Assonitis to take over, giving him his first directorial job. He worked with producer Roger Corman. The interior scenes were filmed in Rome, Italy while the underwater diving sequences were shot at Grand Cayman Island.
The movie was to be produced in Jamaica, but when Cameron arrived at the studio, he discovered his crew comprised primarily of Italians who spoke no English and the project was under-financed. Under duress, Cameron says he had a nightmare about an invincible robot hitman sent from the future to kill him, giving him the idea for The Terminator, which would later catapult his filming career.
Personal life
Cameron has been married five times: Sharon Williams (1978–1984), Gale Anne Hurd (1985–1989), Kathryn Bigelow (1989–1991), Linda Hamilton (1997–1999, one daughter), Suzy Amis (2000–, one son, two daughters). Cameron's current wife, Suzy Amis, played the part of Rose Dawson Calvert's granddaughter in the film Titanic. Cameron's fourth wife, Linda Hamilton, played the role of Sarah Connor in both The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
Cameron is very distantly related to actress Joanna Cameron, who starred as Isis on television in the 1970s.
He has been labeled by one collaborator, author Orson Scott Card, as selfish and cruel. When asked about working with Cameron on the novelization of The Abyss, Card said the experience was
"...hell on wheels. He was very nice to me, because I could afford to walk away. But he made everyone around him miserable, and his unkindness did nothing to improve the film in any way. Nor did it motivate people to work faster or better. And unless he changes his way of working with people, I hope he never directs anything of mine."[57]
After working with Cameron on the set of Titanic, Kate Winslet decided she would not work with Cameron again unless she earned "a lot of money." She admitted Cameron was a nice man, but had too much of a temper.[58]
In an editorial, the British newspaper The Independent said:
"[James Cameron] is a nightmare to work with. Studios have come to fear his habit of straying way over schedule and over budget. He is notorious on set for his uncompromising and dictatorial manner, as well as his flaming temper. "[58]
Other actors like Bill Paxton and Sigourney Weaver have praised his perfectionist work ethic. Weaver said of Cameron:
"He really does want us to risk our lives and limbs for the shot, but he doesn't mind risking his own."[59]
Sam Worthington, the latest lead actor to work with Cameron, stated on the Jay Leno Show that Cameron had very high expectations from everyone, and would often use a nail gun to nail the film crew's cell phones to a wall above an exit door in retaliation to unwanted ringing during production.[60] During the promotion for Avatar, Cameron stated on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that although he doubts anyone would describe him as a mellow person, he is at least mellower than he was before.[61]
Cameron is a member of the NASA Advisory Council and is working on the project to put cameras on an upcoming, manned Mars mission.
Cameron received the Bradbury Award from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 1991—but, being primarily thought of as a genre filmmaker, he did not receive any major mainstream filmmaking awards prior to Titanic. With Titanic, Cameron received Academy Awards for Best Editing (shared with Conrad Buff and Richard A. Harris), Best Picture (shared with Jon Landau), and Best Director. He also won a Golden Globe for best director for the film.
In recognition of "a distinguished career as a Canadian filmmaker", Carleton University, Ottawa, awarded Cameron the honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts on June 13, 1998. Cameron accepted the degree in person and gave the Convocation Address.[citation needed]
In 1998, Cameron attended convocation to receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Ryerson University, Toronto. The university awards its highest honor to those who have made extraordinary contributions in Canada, or internationally.
In recognition of his contributions to underwater filming and remote vehicle technology, the University of Southampton awarded Cameron the honorary degree of Doctor of the University. Cameron received his degree in person at the graduation ceremony in July, 2004.[citation needed]
On June 3, 2008, it was announced that he would be inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame.[40] On December 18, 2009, Cameron received the 2,396th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[41]
On January 17, 2010, James Cameron received the Golden Globe Award award for Best Director for his work, Avatar.
Year | Film | Credited as | |||
Other | |||||
1978 | Xenogenesis | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
1979 | | | | Yes | |
1980 | | | | Yes | |
1981 | | | | Yes | |
| | | Yes | ||
Yes | Yes | | | ||
1982 | | | | Yes | |
1984 | Yes | Yes | | | |
1985 | | Yes | | | |
1986 | Yes | Yes | | | |
1989 | Yes | Yes | | | |
1991 | | | Yes | | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | | ||
1993 | | | | Yes | |
1994 | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |
1995 | | Yes | Yes | | |
1997 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
1999 | | | | Yes | |
2002 | | | Yes | | |
2003 | Yes | | Yes | Yes | |
| | Yes | | ||
| | | Yes | ||
2004 | | | | Yes | |
2005 | Yes | | Yes | Yes | |
2006 | | | | Yes | |
2009 | | | | Yes | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Born | James Francis Cameron August 16, 1954 (age 55) Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada |
Occupation | Film director, producer, editor,screenwriter, inventor |
Years active | 1978–present |
Spouse(s) | Sharon Williams (1978–1984) Gale Anne Hurd (1985–1989) Kathryn Bigelow (1989–1991) Linda Hamilton (1997–1999) Suzy Amis (2000–present) |
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